Currently, several partners joined Pinterest collaborated in the development of this medium is working to send some data such as the price of their products will be shown in the image of their products, and hope that the user will be interested in their products. Kendall also revealed that the partners can immediately send more data through the application of FIRE that can offer more sophisticated services such as buttons Buy Buttons for the various products
For the moment, Pinterest yet has a dedicated key for the Buy Button. Pinterest simply let their users to click a link to another #website where users can directly purchase the items that the user likes. But in some cases, the system is not working properly, eg when you read recipes with lots of groceries. You must enter one by one the food ingredients into your buy list. This application is also less mobile friendly.

But if the list needs to be purchased include a brief, simply one touch you can buy all Your needs list via Pinterest. Kendall mentions this as the culmination of the Groove is easy and instant shopping experience that he please Pinterest is able to give it, though he also noted that this is still conceptual and pinterest also have yet to find a potential partner.
The Usefulness Of The "Buy Button" Pinterest
Why Pinterest create Action Button of this kind? Because Pinterest want all kinds of trademarks capable found via Pinterest network. The more data the product presented will of course the longer users spend their time on Pinterest.
If the partner can increase sales through this Action buttons, their availability to create a storefront in the Pins from everything they have to offer. Making content more and more people are spending more time on Pinterest. Automatic #startup is capable of strengthening the partnership network by converting them into advertisers.
Read also: some myths and facts on Social Media Usage Pinterest
The core of this application is to shorten a person's spending process. By combining the partners – partners trademark owners and buyers on one network, that network pinterest. This certainly will make the buying process that is commonly done by one becomes easier and faster, the less steps between the discovery and the purchase, the more mission meet Pinterest and make a profit in the process of buying and selling.
This step is a real reaction from team #ecommerce development pinterest world, to that features companies will attend and participate on social media-based ecommerce. And of course it will be a competitor to pinterest to estimate.
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